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Discover the power of narrative.


Chapter One

Who We Are

Our Common Thread is a community driven organization that aims to foster resilience and build community. We find that coming together to share our stories allows us to develop confidence, break down barriers, and unearth common ground. We believe that, as humans, we share our values and what is meaningful to us through story and that by connecting to common themes we find our common thread. As a grassroots organization, our full story is yet to be written...we hope you come write it with us.

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Interested in hosting an event, sharing a story, or partnering to create a narrative-based program?


Chapter Two

What We Do

Our Common Thread provides expertise and a common space for community members to come, share, and shape their stories together.

Community Events are based on a “speed-dating”, or one-on-one, story exchange format. This format allows attendees to hear multiple stories and share their own story multiple times in a night. We believe this removes barriers and brings people together in a meaningful way. 

We also “story-coach” individuals to prepare them for traditional storytelling events. This process aims to empower individuals to share their story in a public and performative setting. 

Finally, we partner with local organizations, such as the Hartford Restorative Justice Center, to create programs rooted in narrative that are helpful for the target population.


Join our mailing list to stay informed about upcoming events and ways you can share your story.


Chapter Three

Why We Do It

Based on personal experience and academic research, we find value in constructing narratives and sharing stories. This motivates us to be active practitioners and advocates within our community.   


Questions, comments, concerns, or interested in a partnership?


Chapter Four

A Final Note


s we currently operate as a volunteer-only organization with no tax designation, please direct any support and charitable contributions to either
Story Works Alaska
Camp Fire Alaska
, the
AVA Gallery
, or the
Hartford Community Restorative Justice Center

Thank you.


Our Common Thread

See Link Below for the results of our “From Service to Scholar” storytelling program. This program worked with undergraduate veterans at Dartmouth College to build, share and understand the story of how they went from military service to Ivy League education.
